Popular Posts
- Sherbet
- Mexican Jumping Bean
- Skittle Rainbow
- Flying Cup Glider
- Make a Rainbow
- Hoop Glider
- Coat Hanger Gong
- Rainbow Shapes
- Create Your Own Cyclone-Resistant House
- Pouncing Pepper
- Popstick Harmonica
- Pouncing Pepper
- Goldfish Memory
- Breathing Trees
- Liquid Nitrogen
- Bang! Crash! Smash! Science!
- The Quokka – Quirky facts vs. Instagram-filtered fiction?
- Make your own balloon rocket over the school holidays.
- Daddy Long Legs
- The Dark Side
- Temperature Sort
- Grandparents of the Sea
- Liquid Nitrogen FAQs – part 2
- Bee Waggle Dance
- Cars and Lightning
- Out of this World
- Mate Choice
- World Wetlands Day
- Big Bang Education teams up with Mater Children’s Hospital in the name of Diabetes Research
- Big Bang Education coming to a show near you!
- Big Bang visits Mater Hospital Special School
- What’s On 4 Kids Conference & Awards 2018
Make your own balloon rocket over the school holidays.
BLAST OFF these holidays with a bit of fun, inflatable investigation at home! We are going to help you make and test your own balloon rocket.
Create Your Own Cyclone-Resistant House
One approach to managing the risk of cyclone damage is through thoughtful household design.
At the Big Bang Education stall, children creatively tackled this problem by using reused materials in sustainable design. The real fun (and active experimentation) began when they tested the strength of their designs against damaging gusts of wind, provided by a household leaf blower!
Liquid Nitrogen FAQs – part 2
My last Liquid Nitrogen FAQs article prompted a bit of a brainstorm here at Big Bang HQ, which revealed to me that I had barely scratched the surface in terms of addressing the questions that are most frequently asked about liquid nitrogen in our shows and workshops. So here I have for you Part Two.
Out of this World
The universe is a big place. Our human minds probably couldn’t even begin to comprehend how far away the closest planet to Earth is! In our street (the solar system), our next-door neighbour AKA the closest planet to us is Mercury, and that is over 180 million kms away.
Liquid Nitrogen
Liquid nitrogen. It’s cool (minus 196 degrees Celsius), it’s fun, and it’s undoubtedly one of our very favourite chemicals here at Big Bang Education. Brett has presented hundreds of shows using liquid nitrogen, and over the years has answered many hundreds of questions about it from curious students and adults alike.
The Quokka – Quirky facts vs. Instagram-filtered fiction?
Can the Quokka truly be “the happiest”, “most photogenic” animal online?
Science programs that start from the curriculum
Let us educate and entertain your students in a meaningful way, that is relevant to their studies.