Mixtures and Materials

Duration: 30-min show + 45-60-min workshop
Cost: From $15.00 per student (ex. GST)
Program Outline:

Big Bang Education’s ‘Mixtures & Materials’ program has been designed to help teachers achieve the Australian Curriculum science understanding in Chemical Sciences for Year 2:

Different materials can be combined for a particular purpose (ACSSU031).

Year 2 students will first experience an entertaining science show which recaps the basics of materials and their properties, including exploring what happens when different materials are mixed or combined, and how this changes their properties.

During the hands-on workshop that follows, students will have the chance to mix some commonly encountered materials and observe how combining them changes their properties and uses.

  • A large indoor space – your school hall is ideal! We would need enough space to have both the science show and workshop set up at the same time to allow for maximum use of time.
  • Six trestle tables or equivalent
  • Nearby access to a sink for clean-up
Program Includes:
  • 30-minute show for Year 2 cohort
  • 45-60-minute hands-on workshop for each individual Year 2 class (maximum of 30 students per session)
Curriculum Links:
  • Different materials can be combined for a particular purpose (ACSSU031)
  • Science involves observing, asking questions about, and describing changes in, objects and events (ACSHE034)
  • Pose and respond to questions, and make predictions about familiar objects and events (ACSIS037)
  • Participate in guided investigations to explore and answer questions (ACSIS038)
  • Compare observations with those of others (ACSIS041)

Science programs that start from the curriculum

Let us educate and entertain your students in a meaningful way, that is relevant to their studies.

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‘Mixtures and Materials’

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