Light & Sound

Duration: 30min show + 45-60min workshop
Cost: From $15.00 per student (ex. GST)
Program Outline:

Big Bang Education’s Light and Sound program has been designed to help Year 1 teachers achieve the Australian Curriculum science understanding in Physical Sciences:

Light and sound are produced by a range of sources and can be sensed (ACSSU020).

It is an exciting, colourful and at times noisy introduction to the properties of Light and Sound.

Year 1 students will first experience an exciting science show which introduces them to the basics of sound and light, including the senses we use to detect sound and light; how to vary different characteristics of sound such as volume and pitch; and identifying different sources of light and sound in the world around us.

During the hands-on workshop that follows, students will explore how to compare the loudness and pitch of different instruments; experiment with different ways to make sounds using a range of familiar objects; and discover the colours that make up sunlight.

  • A large indoor space – your school hall is ideal!
  • 6 trestle tables (or equivalent) for show and workshop materials
Program Includes:
  • 30 minute show for Year 1 cohort
  • 45-60-minute hands-on workshop for each individual class (maximum of 30 students per session)
Curriculum Links:
  • Light and sound are produced by a range of sources and can be sensed (ACSSU020)
  • Science involves observing, asking questions about, and describing changes in, objects and events (ACSHE021)
  • Pose and respond to questions, and make predictions about familiar objects and events (ACSIS024)
  • Participate in guided investigations to explore and answer questions (ACSIS025)
  • Use a range of methods to sort information, including drawings and provided tables through discussion, compare observations with predictions (ACSIS027)
  • Compare observations with those of others (ACSIS213)
Program Gallery:

Science programs that start from the curriculum

Let us educate and entertain your students in a meaningful way, that is relevant to their studies.

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‘Light & Sound’

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